Bladesmithing and forging are art forms that have been around for thousands of years. Historically, the bladesmith was a highly-skilled and respected tradesperson, responsible for making high-quality blades from steel or other metals. Forging is the process of heating metal in order to make it malleable then physically shaping it into desired objects with tools such as an anvil and hammer. The variety of techniques used for forging depends on what type of material is being worked with; these methods range from hand tools to more industrial tools such as power hammers and presses. Bladesmithing combines the skills involved in forging with the added elements of creating integral design elements such as hilt, grips, cross guards, sword blades, etc. These processes require specific craftsmanship techniques including grinding, filing, polishing, heat treating, a deep knowledge of metallurgy and sometimes even artistic engraving to produce a finished product.